Project / Innovation Competitions list

हम engineering  के students last year  मे प्रोजेक्ट्स बनाते हे. अगर आप कोई नया(innovative) प्रोजेक्ट कर रहे हे तो  हम आपके प्रोजेक्ट को नई उंचाईया दे सकते हे. बस आपको एक काम करना हे... हमारे इस page पर हमेशा आते रहिये या फिर newsletter  को sign up किजिये बस ...नीचे हम हर तरह के प्रोजेक्ट competition कि लिस्ट दे रहे हे.visit किजिये और आपके innovative project को आगे बढाईये. Good luck.......

1) राष्ट्रीय नवप्रवर्तन संस्थान -NIF
     इस वेबसाईट पर इंडिया के ग्रामीण लेवल के projects/खोज  को सन्मानित किया जाता हे.इंडिया का कोई भी नागरिक educated या uneducated हर वर्ष इस संस्थान को अपने नये खोज भेज सकता हे. NIF उनको पुरस्कार  देकार सन्मानित करता हे.

2) गांधीयन पुरस्कार -
    इस वेबसाईट पर इंडिया के engineering college के students हिस्सा ले सकते हे . यह पुरस्कार हर category मे innovative projects को पुरस्कृत करता हे.

3) IIGP पुरस्कार -
    इस वेबसाईट पर इंडिया का हर एक innovative प्रोजेक्ट हिस्सा ले सकता हे.

LIST OF LATEST Innovation awards- 

1) Innovation in Medical field-
The 2014 Medline Innovation Challenge aims to find and reward institutions for innovations in the area of medical devices or healthcare-related solutions.
Deadline: 2014-10-20 Award: $10,000

Visit website- medline-innovation-challenge

2) The Global Food & Health Innovation (GFHI) Challenge is a competitive investment opportunity to identify breakthrough prototypes, technologies or early-stage ventures that hold promise for transformative impact on health and food and are scalable business enterprises. The GFHI Challenge is open to food and/or healthcare innovators and entrepreneurs from around the world.
Deadline: 2014-08-29
Visit website - Global Food & Health Innovation Challenge

3) Think Beyond Plastic is an innovation competition for disruptive solutions to the global plastic pollution crisis. Businesses with proven reductions to plastic pollution are invited to apply.
Deadline: 2014-09-30
Visit website - Think Beyond Plastic Innovation Competition 

4)  An open competition to build a (much) smaller power inverter, with a $1,000,000 prize. Design and build a kW-scale inverter with the highest power density (at least 50 Watts per cubic inch).
Deadline: 2014-09-30
 Visit website - Little Box Challenge

5) EIT ICT Labs calls students and early stage startups with the drive to establish a business to submit ideas that address the topics of Smart Energy Systems, Internet of Things, Cyber Security & Privacy or Urban Life & Mobility. 
Deadline: 2014-11-12 Award: $50,000
Visit website - EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge

6) Techsurge Startup Challenge is the most ambitious entrepreneur prize and accelerator program. And ambition really is the key word: the Challenge offers ambitious startups the chance to access a one-of-a-kind business development program and state-of-the-art digital infrastructure and smart grid.
Deadline: 2014-11-12 Award: $50,000
Visit website - Techsurge Startup Challenge 2014

7)   The WT Innovation World Cup is designed to inspire and stimulate next generation solutions with the potential to become real marketable products in the categories of Sports & Fitness, Healthcare & Wellness, Safety & Security, Gaming & Lifestyle and special prizes “Smart Clothing” and “blukii® App 2.0”. 
Deadline: 2014-11-15 Award: $200,000 in prizes
Visit website - Wearable Technologies Innovation World Cup 

8) The Verizon Innovative App Challenge is an exciting, creative and collaborative competition that offers $20,000 grants for winning middle schools and high schools and Samsung Galaxy Tabs for students on the winning teams. Designed to ignite students’ interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).
Deadline: 2014-11-24 Award: $20,000
Visit website - Verizon Innovative App Challenge 2014

9) The Boca Bearing Company is giving away over $10,000 in cash and prizes as part of their 2014 Boca Bearing Innovation Contest. Winners will be chosen based on a video submission of their innovative mechanical project that utilizes ball bearings, roller bearings, linear bearings or any form of full ceramic or ceramic hybrid bearings anywhere in their application.
Deadline: 2014-12-15 Award: $10,000
Visit website - Boca Bearing Innovation Competition 2014

10) £10 million will be awarded to the team that can demonstrate in Scottish waters a commercially viable wave or tidal energy technology that achieves a minimum electrical output of 100GWh over a continuous 2 year period using only the power of the sea and is judged to be the best overall technology after consideration of cost, environmental sustainability and safety.
Deadline: 2015-01-01 Award: £10 million
Visit website - The Saltire Prize

* नीचे कुछ innovation अवार्ड्स कि जानकारी  दि हे -
Cesweb innovation

Nasscom awards  
# marico innovation foundation
# Anjali mashelkar award
We will keep posting new innovative project awards and competitions here....
.......Do visit again......